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Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
I´m preparing myself to get to Failure´s place now. (I hope he bocked the dancing chicks in time). If they catch enough draft Plaztikman and Bleifuss are still there when I arrive. Keni is following in the evening after his flight from england arrives in germany. The rest of the bunch will arrive tomorrow and on sunday night it´s going to SPAIN!

Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Well, IMO there is no point improving damage model to more realistic if collisions don't work like they should, these two things are definitely linked and I suppose they will be updated the same time starting with collisions. So it's really hard to say if there is more important things to do, it should be one of the issues top of the list.

Totally agree
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Yes Mr nearly 10.000 posts. Please read first before posting. Just this time please. Who sayed that it happens every lap? But... forget about it. IMHO it´s useless.... it´s jakg....
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from breadfan :What is more important? What the car looks like or what it handles like? Remember, this is LFS, not NFS.

Both. So it must be rf =)
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Sometimes I wish we got paid for all the bullshit we have to read.

Same to you buddy. Can´t you see that even 1% is way too much?

It´s totally BS to get arguments that it happens not very often. It happens and that is crap. Same to the white/red barriers. Why is that not fixed yet? The problem is known for YEARS!!!
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Johnny don't listen to them, they just don't admit when things are wrong.
LFS isn't the most realistic game , they leave THAT for GPL.

Watch me get flamed by LFS fanboys... i bought the game didn't i? leave me alone

True true! Never touch the holy grale
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from danworth :Why is it that any unofficial addon/mod that changes the car models will be rejected by moderators?

LFS was a good game when it comes out 20 years before (or so)

Today the game looks just crap with the old graphics and low poly cars. I tried RF after a lot of buddies told me how great it is. I´d like to stick to lfs because i believe all that crap about better physics and stuff. But finally I tried RF and I must say it´s even a step ABOVE lfs. It´s much more intense racing with damaged engines, oil on the road, superb graphics and sounds. The only thing that is better in lfs is the way to connect to a server.

SO IMHO RF is the lfs of the 21th century.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers : If you are leading in T3, you are guaranteed to lose as the 2nd place car just drafts and passes in the final turn. LFS just isn't currently "right" for oval racing.

I´m not really sure if that is true. If I am leading in T3 I can send the car behind into the right wall by cutting the draft at a special point so.. you CAN win
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :... Quite surprised at the price of Cigarettes, I've seen a pack of 17 sell for €1.26 (!) and fancy Marlboro's for €3.00, whereas in the UK a pack is roughly £4! ..

Before you get something wrong and before you think germany is the promised land of smokahz:

For around €1,30 you can get these crappy filter-cigarillos. They are brown, ugly and lower taxed. Beside: They taste like dog shit (maybe)

For a packet of CAMEL PREMIUM FILTER (or Marlboro or something else) you have to pay €4 for 17-19 cigarettes.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from JasonJ :I like how objects respawn really quickly in X10.

Here's some fuel for the debatees. You say you can't look back in chase view? Well look no more----

Look-back-hack-view for LFS chase view:

I have "V" and "Shift-V" assigned to my "Controller-Pad" so I can look back.

I enjoy games in Chase View. Never liked/enjoyed in-car so I don't use it.

Thats a good idea. Brings back the good old SCGT feeling
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :... and there is nothing at all wrong with that.

Thats your opinion. IMO any kind of limits cuts a bit of the fun in a multiplayer game as long as the changes can do by everyone.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Syfoon :I'd use cockpit view if I had 3 monitors, as it'd replicate what I'd see in a real car, but with 1 monitor, it feels like I'm sitting in a car with horse-blinkers on.

Totally agree. Thats why I use chase view, can´t get any kind of feeling in a static cockpit view.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
quote: Added new multiplayer option : force cockpit view

So much about freedom of choice. Why don´t BAN mouse/ks drivers too?


Ages ago I noticed something about a mirror for chase view. What about it? Did I miss something, because I can´t find it in the to-do list.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Too small runway?

edit: Argh too late
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
The revo was just an example to show Rawex a r/c car. I´m using a hard track 1/10 scale Kyosho RRR but I will set it to high suspension and gravel tires for the beach oval.

Timberwolf: There are some guys from england who like to join the meeting. For details PM Failure or Keni (hes an englishman)
Oval Patch X Tests on FMJunkies (BF1) and FM Starters (FXR)
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Join a 40+ cars race
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
643 (353 members and 290 guests)
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
got it
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
We are all waiting in the forum to beat the record
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Amynue :"Currently Active Users: 587 (354 members and 233 guests)" :clapclap:

649, 21st April 2006 at 14:19
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Arfman :Actually, that convo hadn't started if Crazy Harry hadn't been such an ass.

I think you sticking your nose into something you don´t understand. Weegie/Fireball things has nothing to do with the accident we had. If you want join our voicechat at and I can explain you this strange stuff
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Arfman :... dude was ramming almost everyone, inclusing me 3 times. At that point, I took matters into my own hands (bad, I know) and made sure he ended up in the gravel .. which was met with a big cheer fomr lots of people ...

I think nearly only you. Please remember that FWD and RWD cars using different lines in corners and if your are not alone on a track you have to deal with this and not drive only best line. Maybe a lil oval practice would help to drive side by side in corners.

But sorry anyway. Even imho crashing on purpose after a race accident isn´t really necessary.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :Mainly because FM are the dominant force and I gave up

No need to. As you know oval is for fun and intense side by side driving. It´s about having a nice time together not to dominate the track.
Crazy Harry
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Bright pink with white polka dots. Perfect.
